Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

It has come to my attention that some people still think of Halloween as Satin's holiday. I as a follower of Christ do not buy it. I LOVE Halloween, all the ghosts and goblins are so cute. However, I do not like when older kids decide to make it not fun, by terrorizing young ones and destroying property. But I found this article about Halloween that's shows what is really up:

"The origins of Halloween go back to pre-Christian times, to when Celtic groups in areas now known as Ireland, Scotland and Wales celebrated their New Year’s Day on November 1. This day was called “All Saints’ Day”, and October 31 was called “All Hallows’ Eve”. When Christianity took root in northern Europe, these folk customs were incorporated into a Christian framework. Samhein became All Saints Day, a day to commemorate all dead saints and martyrs. All Saints Day was sometimes known as All Hallows’ Day, and the night before, All Hallow’s Eve, or Hallow e’en, which we today call Halloween.
The Celts brought their folk customs to America with them, where they took root and evolved over the years. Halloween was originally celebrated in America as a harvest festival. Carved turnips became carved pumpkins, which grew in abundance in America. Colorful costumes replaced disguises, and trick-or-treat evolved from presenting food and drink to the wandering spirits. "

So relax you little ghouls, Halloween is a celebration for fun and silliness!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Satin is for fools, ghoul.

oh..and the word verification below is "grual"